Poplar Logs and Lumber

We sell Poplar logs and Poplar lumber


Specifications for Poplar logs for sale

Grade: A,AB, ABC
Length: 2500mm+
Diameter: 30cm+
Free trim: 20cm
Quality: Fresh cut

Specifications for Poplar lumber for sale

Thickness: 26/32/36/45/50+ mm
Width: 100/150/200+ mm
Length: 2200/2500/2800/3000+ mm

We cut in most dimensions according to customer preference

Standards that are supported:

  •     ( A grade )- 4 sides clear - is the highest class quality.The timber is clean, flawless (without knots and / or hearts).
  •     (AB grade) - 4 sides clear - on one side of the piece of timber found traces of hearts healthy and / or a healthy node.
  •     ( BC grade) – 3 sides clear - allowed red heart, knots, bends and small cracks.


Heat treatment: Steaming light 10-12 hours, uniform color. Drying: KD, KD 8-12% Markings: timber is packed with one length in the bundle and can have markings at customer request.